Практичні поради
Протоієрей Андрій Дудченко
Сповідь і Причастя – найсерйозніша і найважливіша річ. Це те, заради чого варто приходити до храму. Сам Господь Ісус Христос Свою проповідь почав зі слів: «Покайтеся, бо наблизилося Царство Небесне». Він також говорив, що вічне життя матимуть лише ті, хто споживатиме Його плоть і питиме Його кров. Про те, як саме підготувати себе до цих великих Таїнств, щоб прийняти їх на зцілення душі й тіла, і будемо говорити у цій невеликій книзі.
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA
Commemorative book published in 2018 for the Centenial Celebration of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
- history of the UOC of USA
- pictures and history of all central organizations of the UOC of USA
- pictures and history of parishes of the UOC of USA
Size: 8" x 8", 116 pages
Oleksandr Voronin
“Voskresinnia” Publishing (Kensington), 1991
Ukrainian Language; Paperback; 36 pages
Thomas Hopko
The essays collected in this book deal with a wide variety of subjects--God and man in Orthodox theological perspective, the Bible, ecumenism, the "Eastern Rite," children in the Church, the American religious mentality, witness and service in Christian life--but they all have the same theme. They witness to the conviction that human beings are made to be filled with all the fulness of God. They claim that divine fullness dwells bodily in Jesus Christ, and that this fulness may be found by God's creatures in the Church of Christ, "which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all" (Eph. 1:23). They therefore are about life in the Church, and about the life of the Church: God's own life given in abundance in Christ and the spirit as the life of the world.
John Chryssavgis
Molly Sabourin
This book is for every young mother who's ever wished children came with an instruction manual; who's ever longed for just one quiet minute to finish a thought or utter a prayer; who's ever despaired of perfecting herself in time to become a good example for her children; who's ever wondered why "happily ever after" takes so darn much work. With courage, humor, and unflinching honesty, Molly Sabourin addresses all these frustrations and more offering not answers or solutions, but a new perspective, a pat on the shoulder, a reassuring "I've been there too, and there is hope." Those who share her "quest for patience, peace, and perseverance" will see themselves in these pages, laugh a little, cry a little, and close the book with new strength to continue the quest.
Conciliar Press, 2008.
Softcover; 192 pages
Jon E. Braun
There are millions of committed Christians in Protestant Churches who sincerely love God with all their hearts but who also have discovered that the Christian life is often...a battle against sin. They are frustrated because they aren't winning what they believe should be their share of those spiritual wars. In the depth of Orthodox theology and spirituality, new--actually, old--answers may be found.Beginning with an assessment of the battle all Christians have been called to fight, Fr. Jon turns to basic Orthodox theology regarding the Trinity, the Incarnation, etc. as the foundation for our struggle in this battle. Finally, he explains the tools, or weapons, we may use to fight the good fight such as prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and living a virtuous life. These tools have been used in and encouraged by the Church for 2000 years.
Alexander Voronin
Історичний шлях УАПЦ
автор: Олександер Воронин
Укр. православне т-во св. Андрія Первозванного. - Кенсінґтон : Воскресіння, 1992. - 136 с.
The Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church throughout History
By: Alexander Voronin.
Published in 1992
Ukrainian language; Softcover; 136 pages
Oleksandr Voronin
Олександер Воронин
Ukrainian Language; Staple-Bound Paperback; 64 pages
“Voskresinnia” Publishing (USA), 1990
Ivan Wlasowsky
Volume I (The Baptism of Ukraine to the Union of Berestye)
Published by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA (So. Bound Brook, NJ), 1974
English Language, 312 pages
Volume II (XVII Century)
Published by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA (So. Bound Brook, NJ), 1979
English Language, 192 pages
Ivan Wlasowsky
Ukrainian language, 2nd Edition (1990)
Published by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA (So. Bound Brook, NJ)
Volume I (XV - XVII centuries) / Частинa I (XV-XVII ст.)
Volume II (XVII century) / Частинa II (XVII ст.)
Volume III (XVIII - XX centuries) / Частинa III (XVIII - XX ст.)
Volume IV, part 1 (XX century) / Частинa IV, н.1 (XX ст.)
Volume IV, part 2 (XX century) / Частина IV, н. 2 (XX ст.)
Із праць Івана Огієнка
Ukrainian language; Hardcover; Pocket-book size ; 128 pages
Published in Kyiv, Ukraine; 1993
Size: 4.5'' x 3''
Митр. Михаїл (Федот Хороший)
Ukrainian Language; Paperback; 176 pages
“Voskresinnia” Publishing (USA), 1992
Deacon John Sydor
Cпроба історико-богословського аналізу — Монографія
Published by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Kyiv, Ukraine), 2015
Ukrainian Language; Hardcover; 416 pages
Rev. Nicholas Fedorovich
Святий Павло – Апостол Народів
автор: о. Микола Федорович
Історичний Нарис, 1974 р.
Saint Paul - Apostle of the Nations
By: Rev. Nicholas Fedorovich
An Historical Essay, 1974
Ukrainian language; Softcover; 108 pages
о. Михайло Карачківський
“Voskresinnia” Publishing (Kensington), 1993
Ukrainian Language; Paperback; 120 pages
Alexander Lotocki
Ukrainian Sources of Ecclesiastical Law
Ukrainian Language; Paperback; 306 pages
St. Sophia Publishing House of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA (So. Bound Brook, NJ), 1984
Metropolitan Ilarion
Підручна книжка для Української молоді та для широкого громадянства
Published by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Canada (Winnipeg), 1955
Ukrainian Language; Staple-bound Paperback; 72 pages
Archbishop Anastasios (Yannoulatos)
By Anne Field
What did new converts learn about the Faith in the early centuries of Christianity? The early Fathers of the Church theologians such as Chrysostom, Augustine, Ambrose, and others speak on these and other timeless topics. A priceless aid for any Christian who wishes to come to a deeper understanding of his or her own faith.
A penetrating discussion between "The Atheist and the Archbishop" - Anthony Bloom's famous television discussion with Marghanita Laski - on the essence of Christian faith and life opens this book of five selections. Summarizing the Christian life in terms of worship, joy, and the challenge to grow into a full stature, Metropolitan Anthony calls for a worshipful attitude to life. Paperback; 125 pages
Robert Tobias, John West (Illustrator)
This anecdotal account of the author's experiences with Orthodox Christians, mostly in East Europe but also in North America, is intended as a suppliment to the scholarly reports of official dialogue between the two churches - Lutheran and Orthodox. Robert Tobias writes, "With all the Vicissitudes of our past relationships, ... there has been an enduring fascination with each other and with our Lord's call to unity, which has drawn us again and again into dialogue and common cause in the world." The reader is invited, even enticed into joining the author in a journey, from rich experiences of encounter between Orthodox and Lutheran fellow Christians, to creative and sometimes surprising and amusing reflections about the meanings of those encounters.
Amer Lutheran Publicity Bureau, 1997.
Softcover; 128 pages
Was $10 Now $7
Paul Nadim Tarazi
The First Epistle to the Thessalonians is the oldest of the writings which have been gathered into the New Testament. In reading it we can sense the powerful impact made by St Paul's preaching of the Gospel as well as the Apostle's continuing prayerful concern for this new mission church. We also discover St Paul's understanding of the Second Coming of Christ as he deals with the perennial question of "those who have fallen asleep." This important contribution to Orthodox biblical studies offers many helpful insights for all who wish to understand the Bible better, experts and novices alike. Its author, Fr Paul Tarazi, Assistant Professor of Old Testament at St Vladimir's Seminary, clearly demonstrates the importance of discovering what the scriptural text itself is saying.
St. Vladimir's Press, 1982.
Softcover; 190 pages
John Breck
Christians, as a second-century anonymous epistle notes, pass their days on earth, but are citizens of heaven. In this companion volume to God with Us: Critical Issues in Christian Life and Faith, Fr John Breck continues his exploration of the ethical and moral dilemmas facing believers who live in the flesh but not for the flesh. His reflections, among others, include: Are the Stories of Jesus Birth True? Why Read the Church Fathers? Maggie, Terri, and the Problem of Life- Support Hurricanes and Hummingbirds Poker, R.I.P. The Gift of Silence Prayer in the Spirit What They Didn t Teach Me in Seminary Church Billboard Slogans. Throughout the book, a holy eros, a longing for God, intersects the mundane and transfigures the ordinary, directing our gaze toward the Love we long to know beyond all else. Fr John refracts common perceptions media messages, politically charged issues, and even religious suppositions through a lens that takes account of the crucified and risen Lord.
St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2006.
Paperback; 256 pages
Ukrainian Language; Paperback; 160 pages
Published by the Ukrainske Pravoslavne Bratstvo im. Mytr. Vasylia Lypkivs’koho (USA), 1980
Benedict Englezakis
How deeply is new revelation rooted in and bound by old revelation, and how far does the old determine or contain the newness of the new? How does the new grow old, how is the old renewed, and what is the pattern - if any - of this process? In this study of the similarities and, equally important, the differences between older and more novel revelation in the Bible, Englezakis analyses these questions and indicates some of the ways in which answers may be found. A wide-ranging study which combines much original thought and sound scholarship with a deep spirituality, New and Old in God's Revelation reflects one of the rare encounters of western biblical scholarship with eastern Christianity.
A synthesis of doctrine, spirituality and biblical scholarship applied to the similarities and differences between old and new revelation in the Bible.
James Clarke Company, 2002
Hardcover, 122 pages
St. Basil the Great
St Basil the Great wrote his treatise On the Holy Spirit during the closing phase of the Trinitarian controversies of the fourth century. The Arians had previously denied the full divinity of the Son and the debate then turned to the Holy Spirit. In this work, without explicitly calling the Spirit 'God,' St Basil demonstrates that He, like the Son, is of one and the same nature with the Father, and that equal honor and worship therefore are due Him. This classic exposition of Trinitarian doctrine eloquently sets forth the distinction yet perpetual communion and conjunction of the divine Persons. At the same time it deals with the nature of theological language and with the theological significance of the Church's tradition of worship and proclamation. Its message, though specifically addressed to the fourth century, speaks to all ages. On the Holy Spirit is part of the POPULAR PATRISTIC SERIES.
Translated by David Anderson
St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1980.
Softcover; 118 pages
Father Deacon Mikhail Sawarynski
A Brief History of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church
St. Sophia Seminary Press, 2004.
Softcover; 66 pages
Was $14 Now $10
Standing Conference of Oriental Orthodox, Edited by Thomas Fitzgerald
Since the fifth century, the Christian East has been divided over the theological description of the reality of Jesus Christ. For the past five decades, the two families of churches, Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox, have been cooperating to restore unity in the faith. Church leaders, theologians, and lay people are working to bridge the gaps in language, tradition, and doctrine that contributed to the ancient division.
Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2008
Softcover; 108 pages
The service for the order of the reception of non-Orthodox Christians with explanatory instructions.
Published by The Orthodox Church in America, 1989.
Softcover; 12 pages
By Makarios Tellyrides, Metropolitan of Kenya and Irenoupolis
Translated from the Greek by Fr. Peter A. Chamberas
(Holy Cross Press, 2013)
Ukrainian Orthodox League
Ukrainian Orthodox League
Fr. John Chryssavgis
A place of welcome for people with disabilities. This booklet is an important statement of our calling as members of the Church to care deeply for one another, to assist one another and to "carry each other burdens in order to fulfill the law of Christ" (Galatians 6:2).
Light & Life Publishing, 2002.
Softcover; 16 pages
The apostle Paul lived within a swirl of controversy. False Christians- Judaizers- dogged his every step, slandering his motives, denying his apostolic authority, and seeking to overthrow his Gospel teaching. They argued their case loudly, and Paul knew that he must give the literary performance of his life. The result was the Epistle to the Romans, in which he demonstrates the truth of his Gospel- a Gospel for all men- and thereby vindicates his apostolic authority. About the Orthodox Bible Study Companion Series: This commentary was written for your grandmother and for your plumber. That is, it was written for the average layperson, for the nonprofessional who feels a bit intimidated by the presence of copious footnotes, long bibliographies, and all those other things which so enrich the lives of academics. Working from a literal translation of the original Greek, this commentary examines the text section by section, explaining its meaning in everyday language. Written from an Orthodox and patristic perspective, it maintains a balance between the devotional and the exegetical, feeding both the heart and the mind.
Rev. Fr. Robert Holet
The First and Finest: Orthodox Christian Stewardship as Sacred Offering explores the rich biblical and historical themes of Christian stewardship from an Eastern Orthodox perspective, drawing insights from themes in the Old and New Testaments and ancient Christianity. The study of stewardship in Church history reveals how contemporary concepts of the 'religious economy' impact how and why Christians exercise stewardship today. The premise for this study - that Orthodox stewardship is centered in the priestly offering of Christ and His followers who comprise His Church - helps Christians today to differentiate the holy way of Christian offering from false or misguided concepts of stewardship and offers suggestions for ways in which church communities can rediscover the richness of these insights from the ancient, Orthodox tradition. This study is intended to challenge every reader to consider whether he or she offers his or her first and finest to the Lord, and encourages parishes to exercise stewardship as an act of divine worship in the service of God and the poor.
AuthorHouse, 2013.
Softcover; 204 pages
Johanna Manley
If you learned to appreciate the Holy Fathers in The Bible and the Holy Fathers for Orthodox and in Grace for Grace: The Psalter and the Holy Fathers, you will want to read the Lament of Eve. This book offers a compunctionate Lament by our ancestress, Eve, directed to her progeny in her old age. The Lament is entirely based upon commentary by early Church Fathers on sections of the Book of Genesis, Chapters 1 through 5 (Septuagint).
The Lament of Eve attempts an exegesis of sections of the first five chapters of Genesis based on commentary of the Fathers of the Church. Subjects covered include: the creation and dignity of men and women, theosis, stewardship of the earth, the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the Fall, the sentence of mortality and God's love, providence and primacy in our lives. Appropriate for both elementary and advanced Bible studies, it also makes thoughtful reading during Great Lent. Includes index and bibliography.
Softcover; 154 pages
Was $13 Now $10
Anthony M. Coniaris
St. Symeon the New Theologian
Savas J. Savas
Light and Life Publishing, 1983.
Softcover; 60 pages
Archimandrite Vassilios Papavassiliou
Many laypeople have attempted to read the great spiritual classic, The Ladder of Divine Ascent, but have been frustrated in attempting to apply the lessons of this monastic text to their everyday lives in the world. In Thirty Steps, Archimandrite Vassilios interprets the Ladder for the ordinary Christian without sacrificing any of its beauty and power. Now you too can accept the challenge offered by St. John Climacus to ascend closer to God with each passing day.
Softcover; 250 pages
Size: 5.5 X 8.5 in.
by Veselin and Lydia W. Kesich
This journey through the Holy Land with Veselin Kesich, professor emeritus of New Testament at St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, and his wife Lydia provides new insights and illumines the sites with historical and scriptural background information, thus providing the reader with a new understanding of the biblical narrative. The vivid descriptions focus on all levels of influence: Hellenistic, Roman, Jewish, early Christian, Byzantine, Muslim, and modern. Join the authors as they travel through Galilee and the cites of the Decapolis, visiting Caesarea Philippi, Capernaum, Tiberius and Nazareth; through the cities surrounding Jerusalem: Bethlehem, Gethsemane, Bethany; and into the Judean desert, to Masada, Qumran, and the desert monastery of Mar Saba. Illustrated with twenty exquisite line drawings and four maps.
St. Vladimir's Seminary Press,1997
Softcover; 112 pages
One of the most profound works on repentance in all of Christendom. St. Theophan, a beloved Orthodox bishop from nineteenth-century Russia, speaks not only from a deep knowledge of the Church Fathers, but also from a lifetime of experience in turning his heart to God-and guiding others on this glorious Way that leads to our salvation. His writings are unique in that he combines centuries of Church wisdom with keen psychological insights for us today. Repentance is not a popular term here in the West, yet it is the cornerstone of the Lord's gospel, and the entrance into God's kingdom. Turning the Heart to God is a manual of true spiritual transformation in a world of often cheap grace . . . a classic book that has the power to change our lives, if we let it.
Topical Series Booklets by Ancient Faith (Conciliar Press)
Pack of 7 Includes: Practical Prayer, The Original Christian Gospel, Abortion: What does the Church Teach, Forgiveness & Reconciliation, No Graven Image, Tithing, Heavenly Worship
Staple Bound Booklet (Dimensions: 4 X 6.5 inches)
Topical Series Booklets by Ancient Faith (Conciliar Press)
Pack of 5 Includes: Finishing the Race, Facing Up To Mary, Call No Man, Father, Dealing with Grief, What Orthodox Christians Believe
Staple Bound Booklet (Dimensions: 4 X 6.5 inches)